Friday, August 21, 2009

absolutely nothing !

absolutely nothing !

I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.

My rich heart was a mint which minted boundless happiness.
People who sought refuge in my heart have made me turn into a refugee now.

I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.

My heart which was sailing smoothly is now sinking and shall sink deeper.
I am an OCEAN minus the shores,
I can see the cyclone but I have no where to go.

I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.

The dark nights and the shadows my of sorrow;
The black clouds and the winds;
Darkness has spread far and wide,
I can't see the moon shine and the stars twinkle.

I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.

My heart is now reduced into ashes, I am gone, completely destroyed.
The walls of my house are blazing.
I am a loner sitting in one of the corners
and THEY don't have a companion.

I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

मम्मम मेरी बात सुनो

My appeal to all those people who abort or disown baby girls- please feel her within you, feel her within your soul. She is a part of your own flesh and blood. Don't do injustice to yourself and to her. Please listen to her call. She an an Angel.

मम्मम मेरी बात सुनो
मेरे लिए एक स्वेटर बुनो
जिस दिन मैं घर आऊँगी
ढेर साड़ी खुशियाँ लाऊंगी

प्यार से बुलाना तुम मुझको गुडिया
जादू की हूँ मैं एक पुडिया
जब मैं आँखें खोलूँगी
तुम्हे और पापा को देखूँगी

खिलौने पापा लायेंगे
मुझे गुडिया बनायेंगे
पापा की लाडली बनूंगी
तुमसे मैं जमके लडूंगी

पापा लाड लड़ायेंगे
अपने हाथों से मुझे खिलाएंगे
तुम मेरे लिए छोटा सा भैय्या लाना
जो होगा मुझ जैसा सयाना

सुंदर सा परिवार होगा हमारा
हम बनेंगे एक दूसरे का सहारा
जब मैं बड़ी हो जाऊंगी
तुम सबका और घर का ख्याल रखूँगी

रसोई में तुम्हारा हाथ बटाऊँगी
पापा के दफ्तर का काम सम्भालूंगी
जब भैइया आए घर देर से
बचाऊँ मैं उसे तुम्हारी डांट से

जब मेरी शादी केर्वोगी
मुझे बड़ा याद आओगी
जिस दिन उठेगी मेरी डोली
तू कहेगी घर हो गया खाली खाली

बाबुल की यह बिटिया प्यारी
हो जायेगी तेरे लिए परायी
ख़ुद से अलग करना मुझे कभी भी मम्मम
तेरी बिटिया थी, हूँ और रहूंगी हरदम

Never Say DIE !

Penniless pocket but wishes infinite,
The weather is gloomy but my thoughts are bright.
I wish I have wings to spread and fly,
To touch and feel the stars in the sky

Everyone is busy chasing their goals.
Traveling endlessly even to the poles !
I am standing amidst the crowd;
Trying to talk to it, clear and aloud.

But no one seems to give me even a glance.
They are busy with their own tunes to dance.
I used feel like I loner, strange and hopeless,
But now I know I am class apart, nevertheless !

The willingness and the will to survive,
Motivates me to rejuvenate and revive.
Recharged are my batteries and hopeful is my mind;
I walk briskly and with courage leaving my past behind.

I know I am a VICTOR no matter what;
Least jealous of what others have got.
I know I am God's favorite child;
He came into my dream to tell this as he smiled.

I know I have heaps and mounds of challenges to face,
To reach my goals, as I too have dreams to chase.
To attain peace and happiness at the end,
I vanquish this mechanical world to transcend.

I have left betrayers and liars far behind;
Having nothing to offer but prayers for people unjust and unkind.
I remember every single word and action that has hurt me;
Painful are those words which have stabbed me so deeply.

I thought I was a loser and that I could never stand up,
But I had so much to prove despite the breakup.
I know I have what MONEY can't BUY
An attitude which says-"Never say DIE", ","Never say DIE", "Never say DIE".

Monday, August 17, 2009

What are we waiting for?

People please wake up!
We need to react to disallow war mongers from waging wars...
The wars are around the corner and we know how devastating they are..
Lets make a noise but what are we waiting for?

It took so long for our ancestors to bring about this civilization,
An effort put by mankind to strive on this planet.
How difficult yet so enjoyable are our lives to be wasted for nothing as cheap as the wars..
Lets us protest aloud but what are we waiting for?

The baby in its cradle is smiling in its dreams...
To grow up into a beautiful girl to help mother Nature bloom.
The little boy near the well is hopping to grow taller to reach the moon...
Let us help the innocent souls realize their dreams but what are we waiting for?

The poor farmer in the north-west wishes to see his farm flourish...
with life giving grains to feed the hungry in the east.
He is poor yet so rich, he has the strength to feed millions.
Let us all lend helping hands to him to feed billions but what are waiting for?

The old man under the tree is counting his last days on earth...
But wishes to see his sons unite and take him home
He does not have a walking stick nor a blanket to cover his hunch...
Lets us all gift him his sons but what are we waiting for?

Let us build temples across the Border;
Let us build Mosques in the Pacific;
Let us build Churches in Mecca;
Let us merge into the other to build a common place of worship, but what are we waiting for?

What are we waiting for?- The sun to rise from the west?
For yet another destructive tsunami to wash away humanity?
For yet another Katrina to wipe out civilization?
To let this Osama give birth to millions of Osamas to ruin mankind?
To let one brother kill the other?
What are we waiting for???

Sunday, August 16, 2009

In search of True Love

image taken from -Claire-Danes---Romeo-Juliet

I wish I were Juliet , I would have had a lover like Romeo
I wish I were her, to experience true love.

I wish I could feel the richness of true love, which she had felt
a love so skin deep, transfused into her veins and into her blood.

Romeo her lover, what an Angel he was,
Was he a God in the form of a human or a gift for Juliet from God?

Strange yet divine was their love for each other,
Wish I were Juliet to get divine love from my Lover.

How selfless was Romeo to put an end to his life,
to meet his Lady love in divine light.

Did they meet in the Heaven or did they bring heaven on earth
Whatever they did, they taught the world why they took birth.

To elevate the meaning of love from being a mere expression thru physical touch
To a much higher level which only a few could understand and deeply realize.

A sense of oneness, a sense of completeness, a sense of soulfulness,
Is what is felt with serenity in the heart of the hearts.

But where am I, what am I searching for?
Am I in the real world or in the world of illusions?

Am I a fool to search for true love?
Where almost every other person feels it is an "affair".

What does one mean when love is quoted as an "affair"?
Is it a joke or is it the new definition of love?

Relationships are made and are broken every other day.
It happens, "big deal" and people walk out unaffected.

How can such a divine feeling get tampered so badly?
Am I asking an answer to a valid question or being silly?

I do not know where I stand in the journey of my life
Do I have to travel all alone until I sleep?

There are too many thugs in this world, too many call themselves Romeo
I am sick and tired to uncover true faces and learn their true colours

I shall keep moving and moving in search of my Romeo,
Shall pray to God to prove me wrong when I say I shall not find him.

Let me release my soul to meet Juliet and ask her
Where should I go in search of true love.

I am an Ocean

When I am asked to describe myself, I say I am an Ocean.

People wonder what I mean... as I really believe... I am an Ocean.

An Ocean is infinite, vast and too deep to be discovered . So am I.

Uncountable are the number of waves taking birth in an Ocean. Emotions and thoughts in me are innumerable.

I have so much to offer to Nature and nature has so much in store for me.

I have so much to give to people around me and take nothing in return but LOVE.

I am an OCEAN. I do meet up with the shore. But never merge with it.

Some might feel I am an emotional fool, some might feel I am too unpractical. Whatever I am, I am what I am and I thank God for making me like an OCEAN.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

एक नया इतिहास बनायें

'मैं' और 'तुम' को मिटाकर आओ हम 'हम' बनायें
'अपना' , 'पराया' को मिटाकर एक नया इतिहास बनायें

'हम सब एक हैं' इस नारे का वातव में क्या अर्थ है, उसे समझकर वास्तव में एक हो जायें ,
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

जाती-पाती, उंच- नच यह क्या हैं हम यह भूल जायें
मानव को मानव की दृष्टि से देखें और एक नया इतिहास बनायें

'अहम्', 'गर्व', 'छल-कपट', 'घृणा' और 'प्रतिशोद' की भावनाओं को अपने मन् से कोसों दूर भगाएं
प्रेम और सदभावाना के बीज मन में बो कर संवेदना और कल्याणकारी फसल उगायें
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

भ्रष्टाचार और आतंकवाद के विरूद्व केवल नारा लगाकर अपना समय न गवाएं
ऐसे असामाजिक तत्वों को जड़ से मिटाकर सदैव के लिए शांतिपूर्वक वातावरण की स्थापना करवाएं
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

मांस मनुष्यों में भी है और पशु-पक्षियों में भी
रक्त मनुष्यों का भी लाल है अन्य प्राणियों का भी
इनमे कोई अन्तर नहीं
जितना अधिकार हमारा इस पृथ्वी पर है, उतना ही उनका भी है
हम भी जीयें, उनको भी जीने दें , उनको उनका अधिकार दिलाएं,
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

धरती के सैकड़ों टुकड़े हो गए
देश के सैकड़ों टुकड़े हो गए
राज्यों के भी सैकड़ों टुकड़े हो गए
घर भी टुकडा टुकडा हो गया
घर के टुकडों को समेटकर, एक ही चूल्हा जलाकर, साथ बैठकर खाने का सौभाग्य पाएं,
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

शहरों की चकाचौन्द और आधुनिकता की मंत्र-मुग्ध करने वाली प्रवृत्ति की माया जाल में न उलझें
गाँव की गलियों में, मिटटी की सुधि-सौंधी सुगंध का आनंद उठाएं, खुले आकाश के नीचे खड़े होकर तारों को देखें
प्रकृति की सुन्दरता और शीतलता का महत्व समझें
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

किसानों के ऋणी हैं हम
किसी नेता या अभिनेता को न पूजकर
किसानों का आभार माने, उन्हें अपना भगवन बनायें
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

वैसे तो मानवता ही मानव की पहचान है
पर सबकी अपनी अपनी सभ्यता-संकृति है,
विदेशी रंग में रंगकर, विदेशी धुन में रमकर
अपनी पहचान न खोएं
अपनी बोली, अपनी भाषा, अपनी वेश-भूषा, अपने खान-पान और रहन-सहन को यथोचित स्थान प्रदान करें,
अपनी जड़ से टूटें नहीं, टूटेंगे तो बिखर जायेंगे , नष्ट हो जायेंगे ,
अपने जड़ को मज़बूत बनायें
एक नया इतिहास बनायें

दानव से मानव बनकर, मानव से देव
पृथ्वी के परे नहीं, प्रथ्वी में ही स्वर्ग बनायें
पृथ्वी पर की देवलोक की स्थापना करें, एक और सत युग का आरम्भ करें
एक नए सृष्टि की रचना कर एक नया इतिहास बनायें

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You and I can make this WORLD a better place for LIFE....

May there be no Osama, may there be no Obama; May there be immortal peace-

May our future generations get to see all species of life on earth- They have rights on this planet as much as we do.
May there be no poaching, no killing of innocent lives-
be it a human or be it a mice;

Let us all unite and turn into an ocean of humanity-
be humble and just and not cunning and unjust;

You and I can make this world a better place for LIFE

Let us make the buds bloom into flowers
Let us wipe out all fears and generate positive powers

You and I can make this world a better place for LIFE

Let there be no sorrow or despair
Let there be hope and happiness everywhere

You and I can make this world a better place for LIFE

May there be equal distribution of wealth
May there be good WILL and good health

You and I can make this world a better place for LIFE

United we stand, divided we fall
So let us build bridges and ensure there is no WALL.

You and I can make this world a better place for LIFE

Let us let the birds to chirp and fly and may there be no poachers
Let us go green and wise, let us love nature and not turn loathers

Let us all join hands and unite
To let Mother Nature get better and bright...

You and I can make this WORLD a better place for LIFE....

Friday, August 7, 2009

rangoli - मेरी सहेली

घर की चौखट में खेलूँ , प्रतिदिन मैं होली I
प्रातः काल में मैं सजाऊँ आँगन मे रांगोली I
रंगोली सजाते देख मुझे , मेरी सखियाँ बोली ,
आने वाला है क्या सैय्याँ लेने तेरी डोली ?

मैं बोली न न जी न, रंगोली है मेरी सहेली ,
यह तोह लक्ष्मी जी की छवि है, नहीं है कोई पहेली I
लक्ष्मी है यह, शुभ गुण है यह, प्रतीक है यह शगुन का I
इसके कण कण में है अन्न छोटे जीव जन्तुओं का I

स्वागत करे यह सुख समृद्धि का , अपनी भुजाएं फैलाये
अपनी चक्रव्यू भाँती छवि में यह दुर्गुणों को भटकाए,
दमन करे दुःख के मेघों का और न आने दे घर के भीतर
सुरक्षा करे यह हमारे आलय की सुरक्षा कवच बनकर I

रंगबिरंगी इसकी काया को देख नैन सबके मुस्काए ,
सुख - समृद्धि के सागर को यह घर के भीतर लाये
रंगोली है मात्री रूपेण और है कल्याणकारी
शक्ति है यह, सुख का चिह्न है यह और है मंगलकारी I

दीपक की महत्ता

तेल है हमारा अहम् तो बाती है हमारी कुरूपता,
दीपक जलाकर समर्पण करो, अपने भीतर छिपी अज्ञानता I
नमन कर, शीश झुकाओ, चरण पडो परम ब्रह्म के ,
एक अकेले वह ही है जो हैं पालन करता इस जगत के I
हाथ जोड़े जब तुम करो प्रार्थना कोमल निश्चल मन से ,
पाओगे तुम अनंत आनंद विब्भिन्न जीवन के रस से I
प्रातः हो या संध्या काल , दीपक जलाओ श्रद्धा से ,
अपनी आत्मा को मुक्त करो अहंकारी शरीर से इ
जीवन पर प्रभाव न पड़े मोह माया के जाल का ,
करो साक्षात्कार अपने भीतर बसने वाले ब्रह्म का I
अंधियारे को दूर कर भरो उजियाला जीवन में ,
सुख, समृद्धि अरे प्रेम पाओ हर पल अपने जीवन में I

Kuch meetha ho jaye?


Bengal has always played the pioneering role in the field of sweets .A true Bengali will consider a meal incomplete without sweets. Bengali sweets like Rassogolla, Sandesh and others are a delight and are termed as 'Jewels in the Crown' of Bengali food. Any Bengali will confess that he has a great weakness for sweets. This is because millions of sweets are consumed hourly in Bengal. These sweets are generally made of sweetened cottage cheese (chhenna) and Khoa (reduced solidified milk). The most famous of all the sweets is the 'Rosogulla'. This Bengali invention has become a worldwide symbol of uniqueness for them.

History of the invention of sweets in Bengal:

Lacerated milk was considered unhygienic and inconsumable in the other parts of India. But Bengal utilized lacerated milk to produce delicacies to avoid wastage. This rational usage of lacerated milk gave rise to a number of sweet preparations which are unique and genuinely tasty. Thus, Bengali sweets although born out of exasperation have become one of the most loved delicacies all over the world.
This documentary aims to throw light on this fascinating food aspect of the Bengalis. This is to show how dire circumstances led to the search for creative solutions. In course of time, the search for solutions mingled with skill, knowledge and experimentation to give birth to a number of sweet preparations. This went on to immortalize Bengal and create a niche in the connoisseurs of food all over the world.


The prayer for attracting positive energy in respect to the UNIVERSAL LAW OF ATTRACTION

My Lord, my Universe,
My Lord, the supreme power,
Govern me and direct me to your boundless rays of compassion.
I am no different from you, so merge within me and help me attain the higher power,
The power to think positive and multiply positive energy all around…
My Lord, My Universe grant me the serenity,
To help eradicate the negative force within me and around.
May there be no poor no hunger;
May there be no despair and hopelessness;
May there be no enmity and hostility;
May there be no disease and suffering;
May there be no pessimism and cynicism;
May there be no greed and pride;
May there be no rejection or denial;
May there be no hatred and disliking;
Oh! Lord help me unite with the Nature;
Help me stretch my arms and welcome all;
Help me spread my wings of constructive power;
Help me chant the prayer and let nature chant it with me;
Oh Lord! Help us be happy forever.
Help us create a world where there is immortal peace.
May there be no dearth of food, clothing and shelter for anyone;
May all believe that we are one and not different;
May there be no boundaries of caste colour or creed;
May all have the courage to live life with open arms;
May all have the wisdom to be at peace forever;
May all live long only to make the Universe prettier;
We know nature is for all and all are for nature.
Your Highness, grant us the belief that we can shape our lives our own way by only thinking positive.
Lord, grant us the power to keep thinking positive always and for ever.

What my soul is seeking?

What my soul is seeking?

As the tiring day ends, I wish I had those super special hands that would embrace me and help me rest;
My body longs for a gentle touch as my heart keeps wandering,
A gentle caress and a warm touch is what my soul is seeking…

I often feel like a loner, like a stranger in this ever gazing world;
Disturbed and petrified are my heart and mind to see things go haywire,
To see a pleasant sight with those mesmerizing eyes which gives a reason to smile is what my soul is seeking…

The squeaky sounds of the horns the hustle and bustle of the preposterous urban life; the staggering bullets of machine guns and AK-56s;
Nature is literally absent and so is the feeling of oneness with the nature.
To hear the sweet and soothing sounds of nature thru those serene ears is what my soul is seeking…

The stinking garbage and city waste has no exit at all;
Making it difficult for me to breathe and sustain, suffocating me to the core.
To inhale pure oxygen and true essence of nature thru that concerned nose is what my soul is seeking…

Wrath, vengeances, abuses and curses have occupied prime positions in ones speech.
Man, God’s most beautiful creation is no longer a boon to the civilization and his tongue has disgraced humanity.
To utter love, compassion and peace with that sensible tongue is what my soul is seeking…

The world is all hatred, disgust, anger, greed and mean
Every single second of my life seems like thousands of tons of steel;
To spread peace and happiness thru that human heart is what my soul is seeking…

War mongers, corrupt minds and tyrants are ruling this world.
The so called leaders are stirring materialistic hallucinations, all which are so superficial;
To think healthy and to uplift the cause of humanity thru that rational mind is what my soul is seeking…

Caste-creed, colour, status have chopped humanity into millions of pieces.
Hearts and minds have been isolated and banned and everyone is an orphan.
To merge and unite with every single soul thru that divine soul is what my soul is seeking…

At the moment my soul is only seeking answers and seems quite hollow, making me feel like an abnormal soul in this normal world.
Finding answers and getting my soul enlightened is what my soul is seeking…

------------------------------------------------a thirsty soul seeking answers- Gayatri Sankar

Thursday, August 6, 2009

अजब प्रेम की ग़ज़ब कहानी !

I have a brother who lovingly calls me "Di". He had asked me to write something about him and his girl. I thought of describing their relationship like this...

अजब प्रेम की ग़ज़ब कहानी !

गुड्डा भोला भोला सा गुड्डी बड़ी सायानी...
आओ सबको अभी सुनाऊँ अजब प्रेम की ग़ज़ब कहानी...

गंगा जैसी पावन गुड्डी, शीतल मन गुड्डे का,
प्रेम की सागर में डूबे है..देखो तो इनकी मंशा !

गुड्डी है संस्कारी और गुड्डे में है खुद्दारी...
गुड्डी जाये गुड्डे पे सदके गुड्डा वारी वारी...

गुड्डी खेले आँख मिचोली तो गुड्डा रूठ जाये I
गुड्डी बोले प्यार में इंतजार का मज़ा तो आये !

गुड्डी चाहे उड़ान भरना सपनों के पंखों से...
गुड्डे की हर एक तमन्ना पूरी हो गुड्डी से .....

गुड्डी ने है माना गुड्डे को मन ही मन जीवन साथी I
गुड्डी रोशन दिया है तो गुड्डा है उसका बांती I

गुड्डा जब भी करे इबादत तो मांगे गुड्डी की खुशियाँ...
गुड्डी में ही है सिमटी हुई गुड्डे की सारी दुनिया I

गुड्डी बुलाये प्यार से गुड्डे को नोनू-पोलू,
गुड्डे ने भी है नाम रख गुड्डी का गुड्डी-बच्चू I

अंगद, परी और श्लोक हैं गुड्डी-गुड्डे के हिस्से I
यह तीनों हैं इनकी परछायी और जिगर के टुकड़े I

विनती है दी की रब से , गुड्डी ही बने गुड्डे की रानी I
प्यारी और मासूम है इनकी अजब प्रेम की ग़ज़ब कहानी......

बस दो कदम चलते चलते

My first ever visit to Punjab- it was perhaps the best week of my life. I met complete strangers who eventually became family to me. The following piece describes my emotional journey to the land of the 5 rivers and expresses my feelings in simple words...

मंज़िल थी अनजानी सी बेगाना था सफ़र...
वोह जो भी था हसीं था मगर I
लगता था हर पल कुछ नया नया सा...
पाकर उसे था मैंने पाया एक खूबसूरत सा जहाँ I
बस दो कदम चलते चलते....

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
मैं पहुँच गयी अपनी पहली मंज़िल तक,
जहाँ मिले कुछ अनजान लोग;
जो बन गए मेरे अपनों से भी अपने I
बस दो कदम चलते चलते.....

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
मैं मिली कुछ मासूम लोगों से,
जिनकी आखों में मैंने देखा अपने लिए एक दरवाज़ा I
दरवाज़ा खोला तो देखा मैंने एक कमरा... जो था उनका दिल I
दिल में क़ैद कर लिया उन्होंने मुझे I
बस दो कदम चलते चलते...

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
आया एक ऐसा मक़ाम,
कहना था मुझे उन अपनों को अलविदा...
आँखें थी नाम दिल था ख़ाली ख़ाली सा,
मगर दिल को था यकीन उनसे मुलाक़ात होगी दोबारा I
बस दो कदम चलते चलते.....

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
चल पड़ी एक नयी मंज़िल की ओर,
जहाँ मिला एक प्यारा सा भैइया,
जिसने किया अपनी दुनिया में मुझे शामिल;
बनाया मुझे अपने घर का हिस्सा
बस दो कदम चलते चलते....

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
एक और भाई मिला मुझे,
प्यार से बुलाया जिसने मुझे पगली,
हक से हक जताया मुझपे I
कर दिया मुझे कमज़ोर अपने बेशुमार प्यार से I
बस दो कदम चलते चलते....

बस दो कदम चलते चलते
पहुँच गयी एक ऐसी राह में,
जो जानी पहचानी सी थी I
एक तरफ देखा मेरे अपने थे, दूजी तरफ देखा तो भी मेरे अपने थे I
दिल ने कहा मुझे की चल पड़ आगे आगे...
पर क्या करती मैं लाचार ?
लकीर थी राह में...
सोचा मैंने की पार लगाऊं...
मगर कैसे ?
काश वोह लकीर न होती तो चल पड़ती लाहौर घूमने....
भर गयी आँखें रोने लगा दिल रुक गए कदम...
बस दो कदम चलते चलते....