Sunday, October 28, 2012
Melancholic Me…
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
It hurts you the most…
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fragrance of the personal touch

I wait restlessly for days;
My eyes fixed at the door with a hopeful gaze,
Awaiting a knock at the door to hear from him
A pleasant smile and tears filled eyes,
Welcome “it”.
He is a stranger yet my family;
Brings priceless happiness whenever he visits,
He gives me what nothing can match.
Precious “it” is for me and its worth infinite.
I send him off thanking him a zillion,
To bring my son enveloped in a piece of paper
My son, he is so far, yet so near.
I can feel him in “it”, he is my dear.
My son writes to me his heart.
I can see him fight it hard,
At the rugged mountains and cold
He is courageous he makes me so proud.
In the curves of his writing I can see him smile,
I can feel his nearness and hear him say
“Mommy I love you, can you make some cakes?”
I say I will my baby, anything for you my darling.
With a lump in my throat and heart choked,
I do all what he loves seeing me do
My Child writes to me without fail,
Letting me know how much he cares for me and has to say.
“It” is a piece of paper but invaluable.
“It” is my priceless possession, my treasure.
I can give my life away but not “it”.
“It” is my son’s reflection and nothing is beyond “it”.
“It” brings to me my son; I can visualize my son glow thru his personal touch.
“It” brings to me my son; I can hear him say “Mommy” thru his personal touch.
“It” brings to me my son; I can feel him hug me thru his personal touch.
“It” brings to me my son; I can smell his fragrance thru his personal touch.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Forget me not

The moments overwhelming;
Tears rolling down my cheeks;
Sentiments and emotions overflowing;
Their nearness is what my heart seeks.
I am what I am because of them.
Protected like a pearl in an oyster's shell.
They are my pillars of strength, precious like the Kohinoor gem.
In my heart they shall for ever dwell.
My heart and soul sinking in an ocean of emotions say,
I shall treasure my friends and thank God for what I have got.
My eyes drenched in tears say,
Forget me not forget me not forget me not.
( I miss you my dear friends...miss you all- Anish, Suresh, Aruna, Bala, Adi, Ruchir, Vivek, Sriram, Shriram.....
Those golden days are irreplaceable ....matchless....most beautiful of all times that have gone...and those which are yet to come....Love you all)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dance like crazy

(The following piece of writing is inspired by the beautiful and unmatchable composition of one of the Greatest Sufi Legends- Bulleh Shah)
Dance like crazy
I am madly in love with you.
You are the only remedy for my illness.
I am dying, hurry up my healer.
Let me have a glance of yours.
Love has made me crazy so I dance like crazy.
Your love has occupied my heart.
I am lost in your love, blinded by your love.
I would even drink a glass of venom with a smile on my face.
I have forgotten my pain but I haven't yet seen you.
Love has made me crazy so I dance like crazy.
I am so much in love with you.
Nobody and nothing can ever deceive me.
There is no route which will ever reroute me.
I shall certainly come to you if you don't turn up.
Love has made me crazy so I dance like crazy.
So much is the passion of love for you in me,
Even the peacocks in the forest have turned nightingales.
You haven't yet asked me about my whereabouts after sweetly hurting me.
I see you everywhere; in you I find my divine place of worship.
Love has made me crazy so I dance like crazy.
Friday, August 21, 2009
absolutely nothing !

absolutely nothing !
I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.
My rich heart was a mint which minted boundless happiness.
People who sought refuge in my heart have made me turn into a refugee now.
I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.
My heart which was sailing smoothly is now sinking and shall sink deeper.
I am an OCEAN minus the shores,
I can see the cyclone but I have no where to go.
I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.
The dark nights and the shadows my of sorrow;
The black clouds and the winds;
Darkness has spread far and wide,
I can't see the moon shine and the stars twinkle.
I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.
My heart is now reduced into ashes, I am gone, completely destroyed.
The walls of my house are blazing.
I am a loner sitting in one of the corners
and THEY don't have a companion.
I have absolutely nothing left to call my OWN but my sorrow.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
मम्मम मेरी बात सुनो

My appeal to all those people who abort or disown baby girls- please feel her within you, feel her within your soul. She is a part of your own flesh and blood. Don't do injustice to yourself and to her. Please listen to her call. She an an Angel.
मेरे लिए एक स्वेटर बुनो
जिस दिन मैं घर आऊँगी
ढेर साड़ी खुशियाँ लाऊंगी
प्यार से बुलाना तुम मुझको गुडिया
जादू की हूँ मैं एक पुडिया
जब मैं आँखें खोलूँगी
तुम्हे और पापा को देखूँगी
खिलौने पापा लायेंगे
मुझे गुडिया बनायेंगे
पापा की लाडली बनूंगी
तुमसे मैं जमके लडूंगी
पापा लाड लड़ायेंगे
अपने हाथों से मुझे खिलाएंगे
तुम मेरे लिए छोटा सा भैय्या लाना
जो होगा मुझ जैसा सयाना
सुंदर सा परिवार होगा हमारा
हम बनेंगे एक दूसरे का सहारा
जब मैं बड़ी हो जाऊंगी
तुम सबका और घर का ख्याल रखूँगी
रसोई में तुम्हारा हाथ बटाऊँगी
पापा के दफ्तर का काम सम्भालूंगी
जब भैइया आए घर देर से
बचाऊँ मैं उसे तुम्हारी डांट से
जब मेरी शादी केर्वोगी
मुझे बड़ा याद आओगी
जिस दिन उठेगी मेरी डोली
तू कहेगी घर हो गया खाली खाली
बाबुल की यह बिटिया प्यारी
हो जायेगी तेरे लिए परायी
ख़ुद से अलग न करना मुझे कभी भी मम्मम
तेरी बिटिया थी, हूँ और रहूंगी हरदम